Main Logos

Whether the logo is used in conjunction with the wordmark depends on where it is intended to be seen - in Norway or abroad.

If it is intended for an international audience, the “Norwegian Business School” wordmark is to be used together with the logo, either in a vertical or horizontal composition.

If it is intended for a national audience, the logo is to be used without a wordmark. The exception is formal applications where “Handelshøyskolen” has been added, such as in official letters.

Logos for special occasions

In certain events BI uses alternative colors/styles to show support or appreciation to certain global og national movements, especially on social media channels.

Logo pride day
Be proud of who your are - and respect others for who they are! BI supports Pride Day.
Logo rosa sloyfe
«Rosa sløyfe», or «Pink Ribbon» is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. Pink ribbons, and the color pink in general, identify the wearer or promoter with the breast cancer brand and express moral support for women with breast cancer
Logo earth day
Earth day logo. Sustainability is a big part of our strategy.

Sub branding

Sub-branding is done when:
- there is a clear sub-target group. (Example: Executive)
- the concept/project is long lived. (example: Alumni)
- If there are clear and strategic benefits involved.

Poster image Executive videreutdanning
Executive Videreutdanning positive and negative
500x500 Start up logo
BI Start Up
500x500 BIIC logo
BI International Case Competition
500x500 Alumni logo
BI Alumni


BI has a tripple crown accreditation, which is widely used in our communication.


In cases where neither of the positive or negative logo variants fit, or where the design otherwise is monochrome these logos should be used. Select the positive or negative version, depending on what contrasts best with the background colour.

Logo symbol monochrome
Positive – Monochrome
Logo symbol monochrome negative
Negative – Monochrome

Logo Embossed

In some cases an embossed version of our logo is needed (like printing on fabric).

These are listed below both in black and magenta.